Second day of the fellows was very exciting for them they visited Akshaya Patra, Samarthnam, Baal Balaga and Bhageertha, as a part of NGO. They were surprised to see how the Organizations are working in development sector, the way they are serving and the output they are getting was unimaginable for fellows. In the session of sharing they appreciated Akshaya Patra for adopting technology to reduce the burden and concentrate on the goal and objective what they have,
Samarthnam for giving opportunity to the physically challenged people to show their talent and raise fund for their organization by which they can help other beneficiaries.
Whatever Baal Balaga is doing looking at that, they felt really this is the only one platform for the children where they really come to know what they are and what they can be, even Baal Balaga is changing the parents mindset. Bhageertha is putting effort to make people to realize the importance of waste materials. Fellows got a great learning by the visit.
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